Brothers Behead Sister and Parade her Head in the Name of
Honour Killing
Brothers Behead Sister and Parade her Head in the Name of
Honour Killing
2 Indian brothers decapitated their teenage sister and
paraded her severed head through their village because
they disapproved of her 'romantic relationship' with one of
their cousins.
Several people watched in horror as Phool Jehan, 17, was
dragged out of her house, severely beaten and beheaded by
her 2 brothers this past Monday. They however, did not tell
the police what had happened.
The crime was only later reported by a local security guard,
one officer explained.
According to Indian Times, Police have been unable to find
the two brothers, named Nanhe and Gul Hasan, whose ages
are not known. After killing their sister, they left her body on
the street as they roamed around the north-Indian village
with her head.
According to reports, they shouted: 'This is what happens as
punishment for having an affair.'
Honour killings are common across India, but such brutal
slayings are extremely rare. While the brothers are on the
run, police have detained Jehan's cousin to question him,
said another police officer.
Honour Killing
Brothers Behead Sister and Parade her Head in the Name of
Honour Killing
2 Indian brothers decapitated their teenage sister and
paraded her severed head through their village because
they disapproved of her 'romantic relationship' with one of
their cousins.
Several people watched in horror as Phool Jehan, 17, was
dragged out of her house, severely beaten and beheaded by
her 2 brothers this past Monday. They however, did not tell
the police what had happened.
The crime was only later reported by a local security guard,
one officer explained.
According to Indian Times, Police have been unable to find
the two brothers, named Nanhe and Gul Hasan, whose ages
are not known. After killing their sister, they left her body on
the street as they roamed around the north-Indian village
with her head.
According to reports, they shouted: 'This is what happens as
punishment for having an affair.'
Honour killings are common across India, but such brutal
slayings are extremely rare. While the brothers are on the
run, police have detained Jehan's cousin to question him,
said another police officer.